γυναικοπαιδα/gynaikopaida, Twixt lab / 06.06.2018
Neutral noun, in plural, gynaikopeda, women and children (in conflict times the reference indicates them as the most common, helpless and defenseless victims).
#1 and #2
Departing from an artistic and theoretical approach of parenthood, the presentations aim to question the prevailing motherhood and fatherhood conceptualizations, the social mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion and the condition of biological and non-biological parenthood in social and legal context. Adopting a dialectical method between personal and political, we will attempt rethinking “art and parenthood” in a context where roles and identities are highlighted as topics of open and continuous negotiation.
Talks, interventions, performative actions, films and videos, painting, sculpture, photographs and literature, will constitute a field of meetings where moms and dads, daughters, sons, cousins, brothers, aunts and further relatives, will converse on gender identities, birth, medicalization and performativity of the female, feminized or effeminate body. Which is the role of works and expressions approaching body and memory politics, stereotypical -or not- representations of kinship and children, in a social context redefined by “different parenthood”? How can these “kinship articulations” constitute a referential artistic field that can be studied or archived?
The gynaikopeda encounters will take place in TWIXTlab on the 30th of May and the 6th of June, with the contributions of groups, duos, individuals, parents, those who want or don’t want to become parents, as well as those who held a posotion in respect.
organised and curated by Eva Giannakopoulou